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[C++] timer - Header-Only Lösung für Zeitmessungen im Code

Diese kleine Header-Only Lib kann zur Performanceermittlung in eurem Code verwendet werden.
Die Erstellung eines clock Objektes startet die Zeitmessung.
Die elapsed() Methode gibt die bislang vergangene Zeit zurück.
Die reset() Methode setzt das clock Objekt zurück.
Sollten Teilprozesse aus der Zeitmessung ausgeschlossen werden müssen, weil sie die Prozesszeiten die von Interesse sind überlagern würden, so steht dafür die pause() Methode zur Verfügung. Die resume() Methode setzt die Zeitmessung fort.
Des Weiteren sind Typen aus der std::chrono Lib in verkürzte Aliase gewrappt, und Standardtemplateargumente definiert, um die Nutzung zu vereinfachen.


#include <chrono>
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>

namespace timer
  // shorthand type names of the clocks
  using hi_res = ::std::chrono::high_resolution_clock; // clock with the shortest tick period
  using steady = ::std::chrono::steady_clock; // monotonic clock
  using wall = ::std::chrono::system_clock; // system-wide realtime clock
  // The default template argument for `timer::clock` instantiations is the steady clock with the highest resolution.
  using apt = ::std::conditional_t<hi_res::is_steady, hi_res, steady>;

  // shorthand unit and value types of the time interval returned
  using ns_i64 = ::std::chrono::duration<::std::int64_t, ::std::nano>; // default template argument for `elapsed()` and `reset()`
  using us_i64 = ::std::chrono::duration<::std::int64_t, ::std::micro>;
  using ms_i64 = ::std::chrono::duration<::std::int64_t, ::std::milli>;
  using s_i64 = ::std::chrono::duration<::std::int64_t>;
  using m_i64 = ::std::chrono::duration<::std::int64_t, ::std::ratio<60>>;
  using h_i64 = ::std::chrono::duration<::std::int64_t, ::std::ratio<3600>>;
  using ns_dbl = ::std::chrono::duration<double, ::std::nano>;
  using us_dbl = ::std::chrono::duration<double, ::std::micro>;
  using ms_dbl = ::std::chrono::duration<double, ::std::milli>;
  using s_dbl = ::std::chrono::duration<double>;
  using m_dbl = ::std::chrono::duration<double, ::std::ratio<60>>;
  using h_dbl = ::std::chrono::duration<double, ::std::ratio<3600>>;

  // The `timer::clock` class provides methods to measure the elapsed time, to reset the start time,
  // and to suspend time measuring.
  template<typename clockT = apt>
  struct clock final
    /** \brief Return the time elapsed between the creation of the clock object or the latest call of `reset`
     *         and either the current time point or the timepoint when the clock object was paused. Time spans
     *         wherein the clock was paused are subtracted from the return value.
     * \return Time elapsed in the unit and value type specified by the `unitT` template parameter.
     *         Nanoseconds as uint64_t is the default setting. */
    template<typename unitT = ns_i64>
    [[nodiscard]] auto elapsed() const noexcept
      return ::std::chrono::duration_cast<unitT>((m_break == typename clockT::time_point{} ? clockT::now() : m_break) - m_start).count();

    /** \brief Reset the start time to the current time, reset the status to not paused.
     *         Return the time elapsed between the creation of the clock object or the latest call of `reset`
     *         and either the current time point or the timepoint when the clock object was paused. Time spans
     *         wherein the clock was paused are subtracted from the return value.
     * \return Time elapsed in the unit and value type specified by the `unitT` template parameter.
     *         Nanoseconds as uint64_t is the default setting. */
    template<typename unitT = ns_i64>
    auto reset() noexcept
      const auto tmp{ std::move(m_start) };
      m_start = clockT::now();
      return ::std::chrono::duration_cast<unitT>(m_start - tmp).count();

    /** \brief Set the clock into a paused status where time measuring is suspended. The time elapsed between
     *         calls of `pause` and `resume` is excluded from the time that `elapsed` or `reset` returns.
     *         Use `pause` to exclude processes from time measuring which would overlay the process times you
     *         are interested in. Or use `pause` to bridge the period between the end of the process of interest
     *         and the point in your code where you want to process the time measured. */
    void pause() noexcept
      if (m_break == typename clockT::time_point{})
        m_break = clockT::now();

    /** \brief End a paused period and continue time measuring. Reset the status to not paused. */
    void resume() noexcept
      if (m_break != typename clockT::time_point{})
        m_start += clockT::now() - m_break;
        m_break = typename clockT::time_point{};

    // Start time of the period to be measured. (Might be advanced by `resume` or `reset` to address the paused time.)
    typename clockT::time_point m_start{ clockT::now() };
    // Either the start time of the suspended period, or the begin of the clock epoch to indicate a not paused status.
    typename clockT::time_point m_break{};

  clock()->clock<apt>; // Deduction guide for the default constructor.
} // namespace timer


#include "timer.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

static void hold_on(std::chrono::nanoseconds::rep n)
  std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::nanoseconds{ n });

int main()
  timer::clock clock{}; // starte die Zeitmessung
  hold_on(1000000000); // 1 s für die Zeitmessung
  const auto t1{ clock.elapsed() }; // die bislang vergangene Zeit (1 s)

  clock.pause(); // Zeitmessung unterbrechen
  hold_on(1000000000); // geht nicht in die Zeitmessung
  const auto t2{ clock.elapsed() }; // nur die gemessene Zeit (immer noch nur 1 s)
  clock.pause(); // kein Effekt, die Zeitmessung ist bereits unterbrochen
  hold_on(1000000000); // geht nicht in die Zeitmessung
  clock.resume(); // Zeitmessung fortsetzen
  const auto t3{ clock.elapsed() }; // nur die gemessene Zeit (immer noch nur 1 s)
  clock.resume(); // kein Effekt, Zeitmessung wurde bereits fortgesetzt

  hold_on(1000000000); // weitere 1 s für die Zeitmessung
  clock.pause(); // Zeitmessung unterbrechen
  const auto t4{ clock.reset() }; // nur die gemessene Zeit (2 s), setzt sowohl die Startzeit, als auch den Pause-Status zurück

  hold_on(1000000000); // 1 s für die Zeitmessung
  const auto t5{ clock.elapsed() }; // die bislang vergangene Zeit (1 s)

  std::cout <<
    t1 << '\n' <<
    t2 << '\n' <<
    t3 << '\n' <<
    t4 << '\n' <<
    t5 << std::endl;

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